CHECK OUT THE DONATION LEVELS BELOW AND TO CLICK DONATE . . . Make sure to spot the gifts you’ll receive in return!
Don’t want to pay online? Reach out to us on the SUPPORT 5.8 form.
Don’t see the amount you’d like to give? No problem!
SPARK - Donate $100
Give us that extra spark to take it to the next level & you’ll receive an Official 5.8 T-Shirt as a gift!
GO FOR IT - Give $500 . . . With your donation, Charlie will be able strive with his training toward their next adventure, and you’ll get:
THREE one-on-one, Online Coaching sessions
+ Plus all the previous Swag!
NATURAL WONDERS - Give $2,500 . . . Your donation will not only help Charlie see some of the most beautiful places on the planet, it will also make it possible to share the natural beauty with viewers following us from their homes and offices worldwide. To show our appreciation, you’ll get:
Personalized acknowledgement on Live Broadcast during an expedition.
A “Thank you” in the credits of a a 5.8 film.
Charlie will carry a small totem bearing the name of your choice, from the lowest to the highest in Africa, presented to you after the expedition.
+ Plus all the previous Swag!
ABOVE THE CLOUDS - Give $5,000 . . . Imagine the views Charlie will see as he summits the world’s highest peaks. And he’ll share these breathtaking sights through live social media feeds and dynamic updates online with all who follow the journey. With the ABOVE THE CLOUDS DONATION, you’ll receive:
Your name or the name of a loved one memorialized on a hand-held sign in a photo-op social media post with Charlie on top of one of the 7 summits.
A framed and autographed copy of that photo after the expedition.
+ Plus all the previous Swag!